Solutions for Empowered Living by Taron Puri
The last two years of the COVID-19 Pandemic has taught us many important lessons. Among all the questions we faced, possibly the most important, was, "Who can I trust?"
Information about the virus, its treatment, and safety changed moment to moment, and depended on who and where the information came from. When facts are unavailable, and a decision must be made, what do we do? Do we look outside of ourselves for an answer, to an "expert?" Or have we developed inner resources to think logically and objectively at the data available, and come to trust our gut feeling and instinct about what is the truth and the best option in this moment?
In every moment we make a decision. And no matter how small or seemingly insignificant it is, each one matters. Sometimes our decision leads to life or death. That's why it is essential that every decision we make is in alignment with our highest values of who we are and what is our intended goal. Only then do we have the greatest chance of ending up where we hoped to find ourselves and the person we intended to become.
When there is no trusted authority available to provide an answer, we may try to abdicate the responsibility of the decision to someone else. But if the outcome is unsuccessful, the guilt isn't limited to just the decision-maker like we hoped. After all, "I" made the decision to give up my power to someone else.
Another problem experienced during the Pandemic is, "How do I know which information is most accurate and the truth, and which is propaganda and false?" Learning to apply logic and critical thinking to available data is essential, and examining the possible motives behind each option presented will help. Ultimately though, the best decision comes from having become your best friend and connecting with your soul, through daily effort, self-care, and meditation, you have the ability to hear the wisdom of the guru within in. And you know you can trust that wisdom that comes from the highest expression of who you are, without reserve.